Advice / Information


How can I file for bankruptcy?


Bankruptcy is a legal process where your pre-existing unsecured debts will no longer be your responsibility and you are given the opportunity to rebuild your debt-ravaged credit file. Creditors can no longer harass you for payments and the stress and worry that comes with the burden of debt will be lifted.

Before making a decision to go bankrupt you must remember that this is a decision about your financial well being and it's imperative that you make a choice you are happy with, and are well informed of what will happen and what restrictions will be placed on you.

It is possible for you to petition for your own bankruptcy, however this does require prudence, patience and diligence. If you know someone that petitioned for their own bankruptcy successfully then asking for some advice is a good way to start. Gathering as much knowledge as possible will better prepare you for this process.

It is a safer option to have professional assistance when filing for bankruptcy. We can put you in contact with Industry Experts who provide this service and are more than happy to discuss the details with you.

Click the link for more information on how to file for bankruptcy.



Is Bankruptcy Right For You?

It could be that bankruptcy is the most suitable debt solution for you.

You may hear that bankruptcy should be considered a last resort, and that you should try an IVA (Individual Voluntary Arrangement), IPP (Informal Payment Plan) or DMP (Debt Management Plan) first, but this isn't always suitable. What's right for you depends entirely on your circumstances as these are all solutions to the same problem, but tackled differently.

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Bankruptcy Assistance Service

You may find that you would benefit from professional help in completing your Statement of Affairs and Bankruptcy Petition.

From the time that you decide to apply for a bankruptcy order, to the day that you are declared bankrupt, you may seek assistance in order to keep your creditors and bailiffs at bay. In addition, performing your own research into bankruptcy often results in receiving conflicting information, depending on the source(s).

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How to File for Bankruptcy

After you've sought financial advice, you can either file the required paperwork yourself, or use the help of a Solicitor, Insolvency Practitioner or Bankruptcy assistance service to take care of everything.

Professional guidance can ensure that all Court paperwork is completed, creditors are kept at bay, legal action is averted...

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Effects of Bankruptcy

You will be instantly free from debt and no longer held responsible for any previous debts.

It will be a new start for the whole family so that you build a new life without worryand stress a normal life which you can enjoy. None of your creditors can come knocking on your door execept those who are secured after bankruptcy.

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